Thursday, August 28, 2008

Jeremy Dannheisser

Here's my take on it.
1. He has every right to speak his mind
2. He is being foolish by making threats
3. He has a serious case of sour grapes
4. I can't find 114 but the other 3 are ordinary to say the least (I can
say this as my entry was pretty ordinary as well)
5. You enter a competition knowing that when there is a creative
decision to be made it will be a subjective thing and very seldom will
everyone agree on the winner
6. I protest cause I'm not a finalist (only joking)
7. I for one look forward to this competition every year. It must be one
of the highest "return for your investment" competitions in the country
and very probably in the world (roland america didn't give such a prize
in their wrap to the max). The spirit in which it is done is truly
commendable. I only hope that Bob and his team do not see this person's
"mindspeak" as the feeling out there.
8. Sometimes you need to go and speak your mind in a cupboard by
yourself before you speak it out in public. It could save you loads of

Just my 2c worth


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