Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bob Glenister

The names of the judges, were Gavin Turner CEO of Avery Africa, Dyelan Copeland CEO of Sign Africa. Bob Glenister CEO of Roland Africa. Gerald Yapp was the independent Art Critic and the person who designed the creative briefs. Withholding the judges names is standard practice until after the competition closing as their should be no undue influence placed on these individuals before the last entry is in.

I hope this clarifies the issue.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Roland

I see what lucien has to say,and wish him well in his endevour to see some form of reasonable responce and acknowledgement of some form. I however do feel that the time issue is a minor factor that roland should have noticed and rectified prior to publication. This i feel can be discredited to the lack of experience in hosting and organising a competition of this stature and magnitude.

What does get to me is more the wax2max competition, which was really great! the prizes were an awesome insentive, the scripts were inspirational and the promotion of the comp was very well done!! HATS OFF!!!!

Ok so this is where i had a problem, firstly the laptop for the monthly comp was advertised as a "designers computer" and with a little scratching throught the web site it appearred to be a 17inch screen laptop with a graphics card. I know someone who won one of these, and he was terribly dasapointed to discover that it was a basic 14inch laptop with no graphics card! ( A few months after that roland "upgraded the prize to the 17 inch) congrats on that!

Secondly..... when it came down to the final judging of the comp there were meant to be three entries from each design catagory, instead there were 4 from one 3 from the next and two from the final. This is obviously against the original layout of the comp, and i still dont feel that is was right.

However! I am not one to hold grudges and understand that mistakes do get made, even by the best! so I am not worried about the whole thing and will definitly enter next years comp. and hopoefully win (I guess we all lean through experience!!)